Monday, May 19, 2008

Full Moon Taurus Gift

Something beautiful is pouring from the skies, streaming from the stars, rising from the earth to make us wise. What flows from the heart is a gift to open eyes. The gold of illumination lights a path beyond profit and gain. No purpose is greater than to heal this universal pain. All cups are filled as the vessel of greed is drained.

The gold of love and connection is the coin of the new world realm. Who lives for all must dare to be overwhelmed. The loss of fear and worry is a worthy price to pay. Face the sky to let the beauty play. By moon it floods the night. By sun it floods the day.

For the lunar face is like your own. You shine not as a self alone. One sun is the source and each full moon a receiving force. Affirm the solar flame you are. Bloom from the center star.

Be a planet unfolding flower glowing gold in the dawn of trust. Leave thoughts of doubt and take up the task you must. For purpose is the anchoring stem that keeps you strong for work on earth. And beauty is the bloom that delivers your gift’s full worth.

The full moon of illumination holds a power made benevolent through a sacred pact of peace. A consecrated mind begins the heart's release. A sense of something exquisite pervades the springtime air. The gold of love hungers to be shared. Nothing matters more than pouring out your gift. Nothing else compares to this healing spirit lift.  Rise and help the planet shift.

The world you held disperses. The thing you wanted reverses. The wall of ‘mine’ and 'yours' evaporates. One Self remains. Gone is the one called 'me.' Present is the One who sees.