Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Sun Fire Outpouring

See the full moon at its peak. Feel a fire of the heart awake. For the sun blazing light of the roaring lion elevates a power of affirmation borne by all. Now to catch the highest wave of life that may be sensed, sounding it bold as day in brighter rays of hope.  In this wide spreading light let us be a radiance that sees and frees.  

The ocean of space surges. Upon the little boat of earth we sway, poised in the pulsing current betwixt a flaming sun and a glowing lunar face.  In the beam between we swim or sail.  The swells that rise lift higher if we heed a deeper love that knows. Caught unaware our minds and limbs may flail. Like a swimmer tumbled in the swirling rush, unconscious we react to this oceanic touch. Asleep we are to the cosmic currents cascading over our heads and also under our feet. But in awareness we embrace these waves to make the circle of the sea complete. 

Courage wakes to a destiny we are made to meet.  The celestial lion bears within its chest a daring human heart that steady beats. Affirm the grandeur of its sweep. 

So much we feel.  But lost in our daily dramas we do not detect the source. An individual is but a pulse in the subtle body of space, the vast and vibrant web for each sensation, mood or creative thought we think.  Affirm this sacred link. Open your thoughts for a soul quenching drink. For light is the great elixir streaming from a glimmering central sun.  This sphere of welling fire is the living body of our common lit desire.  It is the universal affection, drawing scattered souls as one into its central core again.  Only one of us remains when all divided selves return to this cosmic center stage.  The coursings of a trillion suns lights the path for everyone.  Affirm this stellar play.    

We are wise to return to the core we know ourselves to be.  So many faces we assume of false identity.  A parade of preoccupations seduces the eye and wounds the ear, making each a captive in a prison world of worry, a frigid zone of fear. The great illusion embeds us in this frozen state, one most difficult from which to wake. Trapped in the dream nothing is what it seems.  Waking the core of love unfreezes the stream.  

Respond in wakefulness to all the gifts you have to share. Affirm a galaxy of stars to remind you of your source.  Each soul on earth is born from this creating force.  The milky way of happiness floats every atom and cell of form. Each crescendo of pleasure or joy reminds of that. But without a steady centered heart even that falls flat. The higher peaks of life invite, a call too easily forgotten in the crush of mundane life. Each full moon cycle repeats the grand rhythm to remind and re-engage us. Take time to re-emerge.  Love and do not fear the waking urge. Let us affirm our common work. We are creators with a new world of action at our fingertips. May new words of hope now cross our lips.

A cosmic heart is seeking wide release.  Under a full moon comes the great increase.  

Now for a rising spirit action.  Focused attention will increase the attraction:

Catch a big wave mounting. A ripple or two will not do. The larger the wave the more there is of you.

New life rises in a sun tide of moving power, a floodlight blaze and a coming meteor shower. 

Limits will be eclipsed. Focus on your gifts. 

Problems are resolved. Hold to the center and revolve.  

Stand strong. Do not think yourself weak. Ride the peak and become the light you seek.

Feel an outpouring of creative power, a fire of life to burn through what has been. 

Be on fire with a universal desire.  This source is strong and will not tire. 

Each one shines as an illuminating sun.  We join a constellation of many rolled in one.

A moon eclipse signifies the power to overshadow what is outlived. 

The magic is in what we create and therefore give.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Full Moon Taurus Gift

Something beautiful is pouring from the skies, streaming from the stars, rising from the earth to make us wise. What flows from the heart is a gift to open eyes. The gold of illumination lights a path beyond profit and gain. No purpose is greater than to heal this universal pain. All cups are filled as the vessel of greed is drained.

The gold of love and connection is the coin of the new world realm. Who lives for all must dare to be overwhelmed. The loss of fear and worry is a worthy price to pay. Face the sky to let the beauty play. By moon it floods the night. By sun it floods the day.

For the lunar face is like your own. You shine not as a self alone. One sun is the source and each full moon a receiving force. Affirm the solar flame you are. Bloom from the center star.

Be a planet unfolding flower glowing gold in the dawn of trust. Leave thoughts of doubt and take up the task you must. For purpose is the anchoring stem that keeps you strong for work on earth. And beauty is the bloom that delivers your gift’s full worth.

The full moon of illumination holds a power made benevolent through a sacred pact of peace. A consecrated mind begins the heart's release. A sense of something exquisite pervades the springtime air. The gold of love hungers to be shared. Nothing matters more than pouring out your gift. Nothing else compares to this healing spirit lift.  Rise and help the planet shift.

The world you held disperses. The thing you wanted reverses. The wall of ‘mine’ and 'yours' evaporates. One Self remains. Gone is the one called 'me.' Present is the One who sees.